Hopefully you have read the
Tribute to Nimmi I just posted on this blog, and the photos I posted on
Facebook. I could not have received the sobering news of her passing on a more poignant day:
National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.
You probably know by now that 100s of 1,000s of women, girls, and innocent children (boys and girls alike) are trafficked for sex slavery and other forms of inhumane labor all over the world, every day, every hour, every moment. Finally, the media has latched on to this issue and the outrage that is long overdue on this issue is growing.
But beyond the head knowledge, and after the outrage, what can be done? Many of us have spent time thinking about this issue, perhaps even spilling tears over it. But what next? Have you stopped yet to think about how we can change the reality of these staggering statistics?
The sheer numbers projected about human trafficking in this day can have a paralyzing effect. Some feel too far removed to reach out and save the Nimmis who are chained to brothels in India. Some may quiver at the thought of the dangerous and elaborate criminal networks in place that are masterminding and driving the sale of humans with a bloody iron fist, motivated by a greed most of us cannot comprehend. Others just may feel too overwhelmed by it all.
Take heart! Jesus came to remind us that greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. (
1 John 4:4) Together, we can do so much to take a stand on behalf of our brothers and sisters who are in chains. We who are free are tasked to hold out hope to the hopeless, and to be a voice for the voiceless. (
Prov. 31:8) And remember that in this task, we have the Great Redeemer fully on our side -- for "the face of the LORD is against those who do evil." (
Ps. 34:16) Rejoice, because if He is for us, who then can be against us! (
Rom. 8:31)
Don't waste time feeling guilty or burdened over what you can't do, which is a great temptation and trick from the enemy. Instead, focus instead on what you can do, which is always something! There are many ways we can shine a light for those in the darkness:
PRAY -- I encourage you to cry out to the Lord using
Psalm 34 in specific prayers for the victims of human trafficking, those who have been rescued and those who wait for rescue, for the traffickers themselves, and for those who do the Lord's work in saving those who are crushed and brokenhearted. Examples:
- Oh God, deliver the victims of human trafficking from all their fears;
- May Your angels encamp all victims of human trafficking;
- May Your ears be attentive to their cries for help;
- May those who are rescued from slavery be able to "taste and see that the Lord is good";
- We know Your face is against those who do evil;
- May you cause the hearts of those traffickers who buy and sell the innocent into slavery to "turn from evil and do good";
- Condemn the foes of the righteous & bring swift justice to the oppressed;
- Be close to the broken-hearted and save all those who are crushed in spirit;
- Deliver the righteous from their troubles, and protect their bones so that not one will be broken;
- Redeem all those who take refuge in You, and bless them so that they lack no good thing.
2. GIVE -- Whether it's your time, talent, or resources, there are over 500 anti-human trafficking organizations (and growing) across the U.S. and even more globally. Chances are there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer with a local organization in your area -- by donating clothing to victims, answering a help line, helping at a fundraiser, or anything in between! What's more, by way of donation, you can mobilize the hands that rescue & restore victims of human trafficking even when your own hands are too far, or too busy, to reach out. What a privilege that we can participate in equipping this good work, even from afar!
Here are just a few of my favorites:
- Bombay Teen Challenge -- the organization I visited in India that rescued and restored Nimmi before she went on to be with the Lord. I have seen first-hand the amazing work these passionate people are doing, and love the fact that many of the staff have been rescued and restored themselves. I fully support Deveraj in his "Good Night, Red Light" vision to "work himself out of a job" by eradicating sex slavery in India, and I hope you will too! Bombay Teen Challenge is financially supported in part by it's U.S.-based partner, Jubilee Campaign USA, and donations can be made online or through the mail.
- Tiny Hands International -- I've had the privilege to meet some of the passionate people behind this faith-based organization that does some really innovative (and dangerous!) border-prevention work along the Nepal-India border.
- Shared Hope International -- founded by U.S. Congresswoman Linda Smith back in 1998, SHI has a long history of fighting against human trafficking. Recently, SHI joined forces with the ACLJ, a constitutional law firm I clerked for during law school.
3. EDUCATE YOURSELF & OTHERS -- Something really struck me in India when Erin and I asked the director of Bombay Teen Challenge what needs to be done to fix the monumental problem of human trafficking in India. He said simply that nothing will be done until the hearts of the people of India are outraged, and thus motivated to change. If ignorance is bliss, it's education that fuels outrage.
Rev. Deveraj pointed out to us that the average taxi driver in India on any given day can tell you precisely how many Bengal tigers are left in their country, thanks to a billboard campaign to save the endangered species. They will even get misty-eyed over the dwindling numbers of tigers . . . while speeding through the red light districts, where thousands of their own daughters are dwindling each hour thanks to the pillaging of their bodies and the spreading of HIV/AIDS. Oh, the bitter taste of irony.
So whenever you find a website, read an article, or hear a story -- e-mail it, post it, Tweet it, Facebook it . . . you can even talk about it (the old-fashioned route!). The bigger and louder the buzz about human trafficking, the more people will start to take notice -- and eventually, act.
And if all else fails, do it for them:
We have to remember these kids are way more precious than a Bengal tiger, right?!